About Scalar Energy


The discovery of Scalar Energy can be attributed to James Clark Maxwell, a Scotsman who was born in the 19th century. Maxwell was a mathematical genius whose work led to the development of quantum physics. Albert Einstein worked on Maxwell’s findings and discovered “The Theory of Relativity”.

However, it took another fifty years after Maxwell’s discovery to prove the existence of Scalar Energy. It took one Nikola Tesla, who was born in Yugoslavia around 1856-1857 to demonstrate the existence of this form energy. Tesla, who became a US citizen in 1891 carried on Maxwell’s work and soon began to harness Scalar Energy without using any wires. Tesla referred to this energy as standing energy or universal waves. Albert Einstein and Otto Stern acknowledged the existence of this form of energy and made due reference to Scalar Energy in the 1920s. Nikola Tesla is generally considered the father of scalar electromagnetics. Tesla’s name for this was ‘Radiant Energy’.

It is not just Albert Einstein and Otto Stern who discovered zero-point energy. They were not even the first. As noted above, Scalar Energy was first proposed by James Clerk Maxwell in mid-1800’s and was later refined by Tesla who called it “Radiant Energy”. Tesla even invented and was building a machine to create and distribute free energy when J. P. Morgan, the oil tycoon who was backing him, discovered what he was doing and put an end to the project.

Harold Puthoff has recently been popularizing the zero-point energy concept from his discoveries of quantum science, but zero-point energy has been discovered many times before by others such as Wilhelm Reich and has been given other names such as Orgone energy and Tachyon energy.

In final analysis this energy has been known to mankind since time memorial, the ancients called it ‘Chi’ (Chinese), ‘Ki’ (Japanese) or Prana (Indian). Modern day science is just catching up with ancient wisdom and rediscovering it as zero-point energy. Let’s call it the energy of life, as Wilhelm Reich called it, it’s the energy that animates and gives life to every living species on earth, whether it be plant, animal or human.


The properties of Scalar Energy include them being non-linear and non-Hertzian. This energy form has the capacity to carry information. It also does not decay with the passing of time or distance.

Scalar Energy cannot be measured by contemporary frequency instruments as it is depicted to be without frequency. This energy form is static, a stationary form of energy. When two similar frequencies coming from opposite directions meet, they cancel each other out. This results in a stationary energy form.

The traditional understanding of energy is that it flows out in the form of waves. However, Scalar Energy does not radiate as waves but expands outward in circles of energy. Occupying space, this spatial mass is not a vacuum but comprises a field of energy systems that is alive. This vibrant and dynamic energy field radiates a network of harmoniously balanced energies.

Scalar energy can be created naturally. It is always existent in the universe. By applying the conditions required, Scalar Energy can be created artificially.


It is a commonly accepted fact that the brain works with the nervous system to control the various functions of the body’s organs and systems. The nervous system is extremely sensitive to electro-magnetic frequencies (EMF) from the environment. Most electrical equipment (television, computers, mobile phone, microwave) radiate 60 HZ frequencies and are able to interfere with the proper function of the nervous system.

High voltage cables also emit EMF which has a negative effect on the human body. There is growing evidence in the medical field that links diseases like cancer and Alzheimer’s with this man-made EMF. Medical investigations and studies are also pointing out that symptoms such as headaches, lack of concentration, depression, hyperactivity in children, sleep disturbances and others could be the result of EMF.

Scalar Energy’s expansive and circular movement offers a field of protective shield around the body. This protective shield removes and cancels the effects of man-made frequencies (60 HZ) on the human body. This is achieved by enhancing the body’s natural defences against the damaging radiations coming from the various household and industrial appliances that surround us.

The brain has its own vibrations. The human brain uses these vibrations to communicate within itself and with the rest of the body. There are 4 classifications of brainwaves – Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta. Scalar Energy is able to promote Alpha wave frequency in the brain. The brain then resonates at the same vibration as the earth’s energy field and is able to amplify these vibrations. If this frequency is transmitted throughout the body, this could assist the cells in the body achieve a particular resonance which is essential to optimum health. Scalar energy also promotes a mind that is relaxed, more coherent, focused and sharp with improved clarity. We are most decidedly experiencing a renaissance of Scalar Energy. After all, the implications are limitless.

Source: https://www.goingscalar.com/about-se-products/


Italian Trulli

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) posed in his laboratory

Nikola Tesla, the father of scalar energy, was one of the greatest geniuses of all time and one of the world’s most gifted inventors. He developed ideas and technologies which were far ahead of his time. Many argue that Tesla singlehandedly created the 21st century. Tesla proposed two types of energy existed in the cosmos: scalar and electromagnetic energy. Because of the lack of technology to detect scalar energy, electromagnetic energy was more widely accepted and utilised. To prove scalar energy existed, Tesla experimented with abrupt discharges of electrostatic potentials, which released scalar energy from the vacuum of space also known as the “ether”. Tesla referred to “scalar energy” as “radiant energy” and felt that this was the primal force in the universe. Until recently, the ideas behind many of his most innovative inventions were shrouded in mystery but recently, a German physicist has developed an elegant theory which derives much of Tesla’s work.

Professor Konstantin Meyl has a background in electrical engineering and field physics. His extensive knowledge of Eddy Currents made him wonder about vortices in electromagnetic theory, and specifically with regard to Tesla’s work. Dr Meyl discovered a fundamental mistake in Maxwell’s Equations. By fixing these equations, Meyl was able to elegantly derive Tesla’s results as well as explain many other unexplained physical effects in science. Meyl’s theory, like all good theories explain all current results but is able to extend scientific explanation to include results that were previously outside the theory.

By beginning with Faradays law of induction as an axiom, Meyl derived relevant properties of the new concept of electric vortices. The potential vortex which Meyl derives propagates as a scalar wave through space; it is a longitudinal electric wave whose properties have already been established a century ago by Nicola Tesla. Professor Meyl has used these principles to develop development kits which can replicate some of Tesla’s most fundamental work in energy transmission through space. The consequences of Meyl’s theory are profound; they prove that free space has an abundant supply of energy and if developed properly as envision by Tesla a century ago, can result in environmentally benign clean energy for humanity – at a time when it is desperately needed.