Super Wristband

SUPER wristband is designed for the sportsman, gym-goer, or anyone who engages in strenuous activities.

Our SUPER holographic discs are packed with signals from all-natural ingredients that help the body perform and recover from vigorous physical activities. Your body will be stimulated to generate the energy needed to perform, and the amino acids needed to help sore muscles recover and develop.

Relax Wristband

RELAX wristband is designed for those looking to relax, de-stress and sleep better at night.

Our RELAX holographic discs are packed with signals from all-natural substances such as melatonin, kava, and chamomile that encourage the body to calm down, destress and rest better. Under ideal sleeping conditions, RELAX will improve your quality of sleep so that you have the rest and energy you need to be in tip-top shape the next morning.

POWER Ankleband

POWER ankleband is designed for the everyday man, woman and child looking to enhance their stamina and activity levels.

Our POWER holographic discs are packed with signals from all-natural ingredients, such as vitamin B and ginseng that encourage the body to provide a sustained energy increase. Whether you are going for long walks or bustling around running errands, your body will be invigorated to generate the energy you need to carry out your day-to-day activities with less fatigue.